Year 3/4 2024 - 2025
Miss Aldis
Mr Owens
Welcome to Year 3/4
We hope you enjoy visiting our Year 3/4 page which shows the exciting learning that happens in our classrooms. Click on the links below and take a look at the photographs to see what we've been up to. Please follow us on Twitter @CanonYearFour for daily updates and reminders.
Our topic this half term is: Through the Ages
In the Through the Ages project, your child will learn about three different periods of British prehistory: the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. They will discover terminology relating to time and sequence dates to make a timeline. They explore the changes to people, homes and lifestyle throughout the different periods and investigate examples of prehistoric settlements, monuments, burials and artefacts in detail. They will also study how technology improved over time, including how the discovery of different metals changed the way that people lived.
Our science topic this half term is:
In the Animal Nutrition and the Skeletal Systems project, your child will revisit prior learning about living things, including how animals can be carnivores, herbivores or omnivores, needing food, water, air, shelter, sleep and space to reproduce and survive. They will use the term 'nutrition', learning that it is a life process by which all living things get or make food. They will learn that humans are omnivores because of their teeth and ask scientific questions about the human diet and research to find the answers. They will learn how humans need a balanced diet containing various foods in the right proportions from the main food groups: fruit and vegetables, carbohydrates, proteins, dairy and alternatives and oils and spreads. They will learn that oils and spreads contain fat which is an essential part of the human diet if consumed in small amounts, before investigating the fattiness of various foods. They will read information to compare the diets of different animals, including carnivores, herbivores and omnivores, revisiting learning about how animals' diets change with the seasons. They will learn the function of the human skeleton, observing and then labelling the location of its major bones. They will learn what joints are and investigate how they allow us to bend and move easily. They will learn the function of muscles and identify how they work in pairs before observing firsthand the movements their muscles bring about. They will carefully examine different skeleton types and use the terms 'vertebrate', 'invertebrate', 'endoskeleton' and 'exoskeleton'. They will complete their learning by generating scientific questions on the theme of nutrition, skeletons and muscles and use observation or research to find the answers.
Home Learning:
Children in Y3/4 are expected to complete the following learning at home;
* Read/share a book at home four times a week (this includes their school reading book, library book and other books/reading materials from home) and access their My Book Blog.
* Practise spelling the weekly common exception words, words set as a '2do' on Purple Mash or words from the Y3/4 Spelling list (In files to download below)
* Complete any work set on Purple Mash for Maths and English.
* Complete any Cornerstones work set as home learning tasks.
* Practise times tables on TT Rockstars.
Useful Links:
Topmarks - Games and activities 7-11 Years
Oxford Owl - Free Ebook library - select any of the books in the appropriate age category.
BBC Teach - free collection for children to practice their times tables.
Useful Information
Reading Books & Home Learning
Reading books will be changed as needed. Your child will need to return their reading book and their reading record book in order for them to bring home a new book. Reading books should be in school every day so that they are available for your child to read during the school day as well as at home. Prizes will be awarded every half term for frequent reading at home.
Children will be bringing home a book of their choosing for their reading book. Children accessing the RWI programme will be bringing home a book from the colour band they are working on as well as a library book of their choosing.
Spellings will be sent home on a Friday and will then be tested the following Friday. These will be sent out via our electronic system. Please encourage your child to practise their spellings at home.
Children will have a times table test every Friday. We will let you know via our electronic systems which times table we are focussing on each week. Please encourage your child to practise at home as well as accessing their TT Rockstars account regularly. Certificates will be awarded on a Friday for improving scores, fluency and accuracy.
PE is on a Thursday. Children are able to come to school wearing their PE kit for that day. Please note that our school PE kit consists of royal blue/black shorts, school logo polo shirt or a plain white polo shirt & black trainers/pumps. A warmer PE kit will be needed as it gets colder and we will advise you of this nearer the time.