Year 2 2024 - 2025
Mrs Pritchard
Miss Drayton
Welcome to Year Two
We hope you enjoy visiting our Year Two page which shows the wonderful learning that happens in our classroom. Click on the links below and take a look at the photographs to see what we've been up to. Please follow us on Twitter @CanonYeartwo to receive updates and see what exciting things we get up to in school.
This term our geography topic is:
In the Coastline project, your child will use maps to learn about the location of the world’s seas and oceans and keys to learn about map symbols. They will also find out about the directions on a compass. They will learn about the human and physical features of a coastline, including the effects of erosion and how to stay safe when visiting the coast. They will have the opportunity to learn about the work of the RNLI, what happened to the SS Rohilla and about the coastal town of Whitby, including how Captain Cook is linked to the town. They will research the tourism industry and consider what features make a place a successful tourist destination.
Science - Uses of Materials
In the Uses of Materials project, your children will learn the names and uses of everyday materials. They will find that materials can be shaped in different ways to make them more useful. They will test how different materials can be shaped and whether they will return to their original shape. They will learn that the properties of materials mean they can be used in different ways and that objects are made from materials that have suitable properties for their purpose. They will find that objects can be made from one material or more than one material and that the same object can be made from different materials with similar properties. Your child will label objects with their materials and think about their properties and uses. They will learn about paper and test the properties of different paper types. They will also find out about recycling and sustainability.
Home Learning:
PurpleMash: Children are set weekly tasks on PurpleMash in their '2Do' folder which they are encouraged to complete at home.
Home Learning Project: We ask children to choose to complete a home learning project linked to their curriculum project being studied. Home learning projects provide a fun and creative opportunity for children to practise and apply new skills, as well as express their knowledge in a topic area.
Useful information
Reading books should be returned to school everyday and will be changed at least once per week.
Our PE day is Thursday - Children are to come to school in their correct school PE kit.
Useful Links:
PhonicsPlay - Fun activities to support early reading skills. Phases 4 and 5 activities are appropriate for most Year 1 children, whilst some children would benefit from practising other phases carefully linked to their progress. Ask your child's class teacher if you would like some support/further information.
Oxford Owl - Free Ebook library - select any of the books in the appropriate age category