Nursery 2024 - 2025
Mrs Sullivan
Nursery Teacher

Welcome to Nursery
We hope you enjoy visiting our Nursery class page which shows the exciting learning that takes place both inside and outside of our classroom. Click on the links below and take a look at the photographs to see what we've been up to. Please follow us on Twitter @CanonNursery for daily updates and reminders.
Our topic this half term is:
Let's Explore
Our topis this term is called Let's Explore. The children will be exploring their learning environments both inside and outside. We will learn about the different areas and what they are for, how to look after our euipment. The children will learn about different routines in nursery and we will introduce carpet time, group time, snack time and the expectations in nursery.
We will learn about how to be kind to others, share our toys and think about our feelings and others. One of our main stories this term will be the colour monster were will will learn about our emotions and introduce our feelings board.
In phonics we will be reading lots of stories, rhymes and poems and joining in with action songs. In Maths the children will learn how to use the maths area and take part in lots of counting and number songs and games.
Home Learning:
MiniMash: Children are encouraged to explore MiniMash at home as well as in the classroom, trying out different activities linked to learning across the curriculum.
Home Learning Project: We encourage children to complete a home learning project linked to their curriculum project being studied with some help from their grown up, if needed. Home learning projects provide a fun and creative opportunity for children to practise and apply new skills, as well as express their knowledge in a topic area.
Useful Links
MiniMash - Your child has their own login details to access the activities on this platform.
PhonicsPlay - Play Phase 1 activities to support early reading skills. Type in the following details username: march20 password: home
Oxford Owl - Free Ebook library - select any of the books in the 3-4 age category.
CBeebies Numberblocks - Learn about numbers through fun songs and animations.
Topmarks - Early-Years fun games and activities.
Twinkl Resources -Early-Years
Click the link and set up a free account with your own email address and password to access resources across the curriculum. Type in the offer code UKTWINKLHELPS.