Year 1 2024 - 2025
Mr Hollingsworth
Mrs Richardson

Welcome to Year One
We hope you enjoy visiting our Year One page which shows the wonderful learning that happens in our classrooms. Please follow us on Twitter @CanonYearOne.
Our curriculum project this term is: Bright Lights, Big City
In the Bright Lights, Big City project, your child will learn the story of a local landmark. They will learn about the countries that make up the United Kingdom, including their location, capital cities and some of their physical and human features. They will have the opportunity to do map work, using compasses and positional and directional language to plan routes around London. They will research the cause and impact of the Great Fire of London and look at some famous London landmarks. They will learn about other capital cities around the world, including Kuala Lumpur, and compare how they are similar and different to London.
In Maths this half term, we will be learning to:
- Place Value within 20
- Addition and Subtraction within 20
Home Learning:
PurpleMash: Children are set weekly tasks on PurpleMash in their '2Do' folder. Please help your child to log on at home as this is aligned to learning that they have covered in the classroom and will support their progress further.
Home Learning Project: We ask children to choose to complete a home learning project linked to their curriculum project being studied. Home learning projects provide a fun and creative opportunity for children to practise and apply new skills, as well as express their knowledge in a topic area.
Useful information
Reading books will be collected on Monday and new books will be sent out on Monday.
Our PE day is Friday - Children should come to school in their correct school PE kit.
Useful Links
Topmarks - Interactive games to support learning.
Phonics Play - Username: jan21 Password: home. Try some of the games using set 2 and 3 sounds.
Oxford Owl - Free ebook library